Since start of the covid pandemic we have offered free one-to-one help sessions by video and phone. This service is now primarily for service users who would find it hard to attend a face-to-face session but it’s worth checking if there are any appointments available if you are not sure.
You will receive an email with a time for your consultation and a link to a virtual meeting. Please check your junk folder if you can’t find our email/s before your consultation. Make sure that you are available at the time of your appointment, or let us know if you can’t, so we can offer it to another family.
At the time of the consultation, click on the meeting link, which will open in your web browser. Remember to enable the sound and video on your device. If you have chosen a phone consultation, the facilitator will call you on the number you have provided.
We look forward to meeting you and your baby. Your partner or other supporter is very welcome to join the session too.
The facilitator may be running late with another family but will do their best to contact you as close as possible to the scheduled time. Please make sure that you have your phone with you, in case we need to call you. Each slot is 20 minutes long and another family may be waiting for their consultation straight after yours.
Tips for a successful video consultation
- If we need to see your baby feed, it is helpful if they are awake and interested but not too hungry. We know this is easier said than done! It is helpful to have another pair of hands nearby if possible, to hold the computer or phone at different angles.
- It is difficult to see close up on a video call, e.g. your nipples or inside your baby’s mouth. You are welcome to send video or photos in advance of the session. Your confirmation email will have the email address to send them to.
- It is helpful if you have your red book to hand, any recent weights for your baby and any other information that might be helpful.
While you are waiting for your slot, you might also find these Recommended Resources for Parents helpful.
Language interpretation & transcription
When you book your appointment there is a section to provide additional information. Use this space to indicate what interpretation help you may need during your consultation.
You may find it helpful to download the free Otter Voice Meeting Notes app that will listen to your consultation and transcribe your conversation in real time, as well as saving it to look back over later.

OBS Facebook Group
You are also welcome to join our private, women-only Facebook group. The group is searchable – try searching on keywords, before starting your own thread.