Observing Students & Health Professionals

Students and NHS health professionals can normally observe in-person support sessions and virtual antenatal breastfeeding education sessions. Please register using the link below and scroll down for further information about each type of session. Please register using the link on this page, rather than booking slots elsewhere on our site, which are meant for our service user families. 

If you are a private health professional, please email the team to discuss observing our services.

In-Person Support Sessions

We run five weekly in-person support sessions at the Barton Community Centre, at Kidlinks at St John’s Hall, Kidlington, at the The Old Schoolhouse in East Oxford, a session that alternates between Windale Primary School & John Henry Newman Academy, and at the Didcot Library. There is space for one observer at each session.

Individual Video Support

It may be possible to observe video support calls with individual families.  

Preparing to Breastfeed Sessions

Our virtual antenatal breastfeeding education sessions occur monthly on Tuesdays, 12:30 – 1:30 pm. We have capacity for several student observers per session. Someone from our team will contact you to arrange a slot after you register to observe (using the button at the top of the page).

Recommended Resources

We maintain a list of Recommend Breastfeeding Resources for Health Professionals, and you can sign up to the OBS Professionals Mailing List to receive occasional updates on our services.

Facebook group

Most of our breastfeeding support happens in our private, women-only Facebook group. You are welcome to join this as an observer during your course, to learn about interactions between group members, the OBS team, volunteers and each other.

You will be asked questions when you request to join; if you make it clear that you are a student in a related discipline, we will add you to the group. We request that you don’t post, unless you have checked with an Admin first. We also ask you not to identify yourself as a student. If you are or have been a breastfeeding mother, you are of course welcome to join the group as a service user.

Note for Student Midwives

Unlike at the hospital breastfeeding drop-ins, women and their supporters can come at any stage of pregnancy or lactation, or post-weaning, if they want to work through their experience after breastfeeding has ended. This means that there is a much wider range of baby ages, including many who are well beyond the midwifery remit; for example parents often come for information about starting solid foods or returning to work.  If you would like to extend your learning to include breastfeeding beyond the early weeks, you might find our Recommended Resources For Parents and Recommend Resources for Health Professionals useful. 

Last updated March 2025