We know that for many, breastfeeding did not work out the way they wanted or hoped. Many carry heavy and complicated feelings with them about their breastfeeding experiences. Some describe feeling grief and even trauma. We have a small amount of funding to offer one-off support sessions where you can talk about your breastfeeding experiences.
The session was a “space where I felt held, where I did not feel judge, where it was comforting to see that I was not the only one who struggled (and sometimes still struggles).”
– Becky

We ran several successful sessions in the autumn of 2023 and then a couple more in March 2024. Our funding for these sessions has run out but we know there is a big need for this type of support. If you would like to be notified of any future sessions, please click the button to register your interest.
After you have booked
Please complete our data collection form using the link that will be emailed to you. We collect this information in order to comply with requirements of funders and to help us look at equity of access/accessibility for all local families/service users who need our services. Your data will be kept confidential and treated with respect.