Our Mission and Vision

Oxfordshire Breastfeeding Support (OBS) aims to increase breastfeeding, provision of breastmilk and responsive feeding for babies in Oxfordshire by:

  • Educating and empowering Oxfordshire families to define and achieve their feeding goals.
  • Taking a lead role in developing an integrated network of breastfeeding support throughout Oxfordshire, so that all parents can access skilled, timely, local breastfeeding help.

Formal consultations and ongoing conversations with our service users and volunteers shape how we deliver our services. Currently we provide:

  1. In person breastfeeding support sessions facilitated by skilled specialists, supported by volunteers.*
  2. Antenatal breastfeeding education sessions.
  3. A closed, closely moderated Facebook breastfeeding support group open to anyone in Oxfordshire who is pregnant or lactating.
  4. Low-cost loan of breast pumps.
  5. Peer supporter training, equipping women who have breastfed to provide basic voluntary breastfeeding support to other families in a supervised context.
  6. Opportunities for accredited volunteer breastfeeding counsellors and qualified health professionals to develop their breastfeeding support skills and achieve further external qualifications.
  7. Observation placements for student health professionals to increase their breastfeeding knowledge and competencies.
  8. Coordination and advocacy at a strategic level to develop and improve breastfeeding support in Oxfordshire across all sectors.
  9. Specific provision for vulnerable families who are less likely to access breastfeeding support services, in partnership with existing professional and voluntary services.
  10. Support for good-quality research into breastfeeding and parenting.
June 2019

*Since the start of the covid pandemic we have also offered individual support by video and phone

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