Oxfordshire Breastfeeding Support provides local breastfeeding support in the community via five weekly in person support sessions including drop-in infant feeding support for families in The Leys & Littlemore, video and phone consultations and monthly online antenatal breastfeeding education sessions for Oxfordshire families, facilitated by experienced IBCLCs and breastfeeding counsellors, supported by trained volunteers. We also run a friendly private Facebook group where you can quickly find support. If you are a student or visiting health professional see the page about observations for the latest news about what and where you can book to observe our work.
You can read about what to expect and how we’ve helped local families. Hope to see you soon!
In-person help
Book into one of our five weekly in-person sessions. On Tuesdays we are at the Barton Community Centre. On Wednesdays we are at Kidlinks at St John’s Hall, Kidlington. On Thursdays we’re at the Old Schoolhouse in East Oxford and alternating weeks between Windale Primary School in The Leys and John Henry Newman Primary Academy in Littlemore. On Fridays, we’re at the Didcot Library. Please book via our Calendly listings.

Help by Video and Phone
Families that have trouble accessing our other services can book free one-to-one video and phone consultations with an OBS facilitator.
Preparing to Breastfeed Antenatal Session
Join one of our online lunchtime antenatal breastfeeding education sessions.
OBS Facebook group
The quickest way to get support from OBS is in our friendly, private Facebook group, which is closely moderated by our team.