OBS Recommended Antenatal Resources
These are some links that might be helpful before your birth and while you and your baby learn the skill of breastfeeding. You can find more in our Recommended Resources for Parents.
Why Breastfeeding Matters
Antenatal expression of colostrum
This isn't necessary in most pregnancies, but is recommended for those who have diabetes and/or who are at higher risk of being separated from their baby after birth.
Holding and attaching your baby comfortably for feeding
- The Global Health Media videos are excellent and cover a range of early breastfeeding topics (and are available in many different languages)
- The video Attaching your baby at the breast is especially good (featured in our antenatal session)
"Laid-back"/"Baby-Led" breastfeeding
- Comprehensive "natural breastfeeding" video
- Dr Christina Smilie's video (featured in our antenatal session)
The magic of holding your baby skin to skin
How dads, co-parents and other key adults can help
- Baby Buddy videos from Best Beginnings - also includes other helpful videos about feeding.
How to tell when your baby is interested in feeding
How often to feed your baby
How to tell if your baby is getting enough milk
Expressing your milk
If breastfeeding isn’t easy at first
If your baby is early, small, unwell or there are any concerns about your baby getting enough milk.
- A simple way to boost your milk supply and feed your baby extra breastmilk in the first few days
- Getting breastfeeding back on track after a difficult start
Breastfeeding Books
- Durham University's Baby Sleep Information Source
- Safer sleep and the breastfed baby
- Sweet Sleep (book)
Oxford Maternity Voices Partnership are running a variety of Facebook Live sessions with Maternity staff, sharing important information with families. The Infant Feeding Team is often live on Thursday afternoons.
Where to get help with feeding
- Your midwife or health visitor
- OBS offers support via in-person sessions, video and phone breastfeeding support and Facebook.
- La Leche League Oxfordshire offers in-person and virtual support group meetings and help by phone, email, Facebook and more, from trained local breastfeeding counsellors.
- Other ways to find feeding support, including national telephone helplines
Information on COVID-19
- Information from Oxford University Hospitals Trust about maternity care during the pandemic
- RCOG's pages on Coronavirus infection and pregnancy and COVID-19 vaccines, pregnancy and breastfeeding
- RCM's page on Covid Vaccine Facts, Guidance for Pregnant Women
- HIFN's Factsheet on the use of Covid-19 vaccinations in pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Baby Friendly UK's Covid-19 resources and guidance
- GPIFN's resources for Covid-19, Vaccination & Infant Feeding
- The Breastfeeding Network's Drugs in Breastmilk Information Service's Statement on Covid-19 Vaccines while breastfeeding
Last updated September 2021