Oxfordshire Breastfeeding Support

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OBS Recommended Antenatal Resources

These are some links that might be helpful before your birth and while you and your baby learn the skill of breastfeeding. You can find more in our Recommended Resources for Parents.

Why Breastfeeding Matters

Antenatal expression of colostrum

This isn't necessary in most pregnancies, but is recommended for those who have diabetes and/or who are at higher risk of being separated from their baby after birth.

Holding and attaching your baby comfortably for feeding

"Laid-back"/"Baby-Led" breastfeeding 

The magic of holding your baby skin to skin

How dads, co-parents and other key adults can help 

 How to tell when your baby is interested in feeding

How often to feed your baby

How to tell if your baby is getting enough milk

Expressing your milk

If breastfeeding isn’t easy at first

If your baby is early, small, unwell or there are any concerns about your baby getting enough milk.  

Breastfeeding Books


Oxford Maternity Voices Partnership are running a variety of Facebook Live sessions with Maternity staff, sharing important information with families. The Infant Feeding Team is often live on Thursday afternoons.

Where to get help with feeding 

Information on  COVID-19

Last updated September 2021

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