OBS Resources for Breastfeeding & Sleep
OBS leaflet on Normal newborn sleep (one page summary)
OBS leaflet on Normal newborn sleep (full version)
OBS leaflet on Sleep at 4 months
OBS leaflet on How to help your baby's sleep (6 months or older)
Other resources
Baby Sleep Info Source (BASIS) from Durham University Parent-Infant Sleep Lab. Information about normal infant sleep based upon the latest UK and world-wide research, including downloadable information sheets in several languages.
Caring for your Baby at Night, a guide for parents (UNICEF UK)
La Leche League GB Sleep and the breastfed baby
NHS Helping your baby to sleep
Kellymom Sleeping through the night
Parenting Science Newborn sleep patterns
BBC Family Tree - The science of healthy baby sleep
Let's talk about your new family's sleep by Lyndsey Hookway (2020)
Sweet Sleep: Nighttime and Naptime Strategies for the Breastfeeding Family by La Leche League (2014). Also available in Kindle.
Safe Infant Sleep: Expert answers to your cosleeping questions by James McKenna (2020)